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Siya Cargo Packer And Movers

Siya Cargo Packer And Movers

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Siya Cargo Packer And Movers
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About Us

Siya Cargo Packer and Movers is a renowned movers and packers in Agra providing prompt and reliable packing and moving services at competitive prices. All those who are looking for trustworthy relocation services can head on for the company such as Vehicle Transportation, Office Shifting, Factory Equipment Relocation, House Shifting, Domestic and International Relocation and many others with Siya Cargo Packer and Movers.
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  • GST Number
    GST Number09MMQPS0627D1ZJ
  • Nature of Business
    Nature of Business Service Provider
  • Legal status of firm
    Legal status of firm Proprietorship
  • Total no of Employees
    Total no of Employees 20-25
  • Payment Mode
    Payment ModeCash/Bank Transfer
  • 24*7 SupportYes
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Contact Information about Siya Cargo Packer And Movers

Head Office - Agra
Ho No 212 Sec 13 B Awas Vikas Colony Bodla Sikandra Road Agra
Agra 282007

Email: csonu382@gmail.com

Working Hours

    Sunday - Saturday : 9 AM - 9 PM

A Bio For Business
  • Insurance for Moving
  • Owned and Operated Locally
  • A Family-Owned and Operated Business

Frequently Asked Questions - Siya Cargo Packer And Movers

1. How can I contact Siya Cargo Packer And Movers ?

You can contact Siya Cargo Packer And Movers via mail, toll-free number, and visiting Siya Cargo Packer And Movers office address.

2. What modes of payment does Siya Cargo Packer And Movers accepts?

Customers can pay for Siya Cargo Packer And Movers through Debit card, Credit cards, Net Banking, Cash, Wallets, Bank Transfer and others.

3. What days are Siya Cargo Packer And Movers open?

Siya Cargo Packer And Movers are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

4. Do I need to pay Siya Cargo Packer And Movers to provide quotes?

No. You need not pay any charges to Siya Cargo Packer And Movers for providing quotes.

5. What is the rating of Siya Cargo Packer And Movers?

According to the working process and customers’ reviews, Siya Cargo Packer And Movers is 4.5 stars rated.

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