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Shiva Sai Packers & Movers

Shiva Sai Packers & Movers

Shiva Sai Packers & Movers
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About Us

Shiva Sai Packers & Movers is one of the top players in the category of packers and movers in Hyderabad, Telangana. Their business deals with home relocation, office relocation, packing & unpacking, loading & unloading, vehicle transportation, international relocation, warehousing & storage, etc. Being the leader in the relocation industry, they serve the customers country-wide.

Having professional and experienced packers, the firm shifts the valuables and households to the destination in-time.

Shiva Sai Packers & Movers are particularly specialized in residential and corporate goods, car and two-wheeler transportation, storage, and warehousing services. The firm provides delivery from Hyderabad to various states of the country.

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  • Nature of Business
    Nature of Business Service Provider
  • Total no of Employees
    Total no of Employees 20-25
  • Payment Mode
    Payment ModeCash/Bank Transfer
  • 24*7 SupportYes
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Contact Information about Shiva Sai Packers & Movers

Head Office - Hyderabad
Chintalkunta, LB NagarLal Bahadur Nagar, Hyderabad - 500001
Hyderabad 500001

Working Hours

    Sunday - Saturday : 9 AM - 9 PM

A Bio For Business
  • Insurance for Moving
  • Owned and Operated Locally
  • A Family-Owned and Operated Business

Frequently Asked Questions - Shiva Sai Packers & Movers

1. How can I contact Shiva Sai Packers & Movers ?

You can contact Shiva Sai Packers & Movers via mail, toll-free number, and visiting Shiva Sai Packers & Movers office address.

2. What modes of payment does Shiva Sai Packers & Movers accepts?

Customers can pay for Shiva Sai Packers & Movers through Debit card, Credit cards, Net Banking, Cash, Wallets, Bank Transfer and others.

3. What days are Shiva Sai Packers & Movers open?

Shiva Sai Packers & Movers are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

4. Do I need to pay Shiva Sai Packers & Movers to provide quotes?

No. You need not pay any charges to Shiva Sai Packers & Movers for providing quotes.

5. What is the rating of Shiva Sai Packers & Movers?

According to the working process and customers’ reviews, Shiva Sai Packers & Movers is 4.5 stars rated.

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