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Chandawat Goods Transport

Chandawat Goods Transport

4.5 on 2 Reviews
Chandawat Goods Transport
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About Us

Chandawat Goods Transport is one of the best transport companies with single window clearance for logistics in Jaipur. Being a reliable firm, they have a strong presence in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Mumbai region. The company is so emerged as a national player and is well-known for its timely and quick delivery of goods to the customers. The major services of this firm are transportation, logistics, and warehousing. The company provides all kinds of logistics-related solutions with full safety and security.

Chandawat Goods Transport assists the customer most proficient way and thus is a leading performer in the market from the past two decades.

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  • Nature of Business
    Nature of Business Service Provider
  • Total no of Employees
    Total no of Employees 20-25
  • Payment Mode
    Payment ModeCash/Bank Transfer
  • 24*7 SupportYes

Latest Reviews for Chandawat Goods Transport

Average Ratings 4.5 out of 2 Reviews
  • Chandawat Goods Transport provided timely transportation services with professionalism and reliabili

    Chandawat Goods Transport made sure that everything went without a hitch with diligence and efficiency. Highly recommended for hassle-free delivery.

    30 Jan 2024
    Meera Sharma
  • Professional and fast delivery of goods

    I wanted to shift my car from Jaipur to Delhi. I took the help of Chandawat Goods Transport to shift my vehicle. They packed it well and transported safely to my destination. No scratches and damages to my vehicle. Very professional in work. Thank you.

    16 Apr 2022
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Contact Information about Chandawat Goods Transport

Head Office - Jaipur
Ground Floor, Sikar Road, Jaipur - 302003 Landmark: Near - Joila Power House
Jaipur 302003

Working Hours

    Sunday - Saturday : 9 AM - 9 PM

A Bio For Business
  • Insurance for Moving
  • Owned and Operated Locally
  • A Family-Owned and Operated Business

Frequently Asked Questions - Chandawat Goods Transport

1. How can I contact Chandawat Goods Transport ?

You can contact Chandawat Goods Transport via mail, toll-free number, and visiting Chandawat Goods Transport office address.

2. What modes of payment does Chandawat Goods Transport accepts?

Customers can pay for Chandawat Goods Transport through Debit card, Credit cards, Net Banking, Cash, Wallets, Bank Transfer and others.

3. What days are Chandawat Goods Transport open?

Chandawat Goods Transport are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

4. Do I need to pay Chandawat Goods Transport to provide quotes?

No. You need not pay any charges to Chandawat Goods Transport for providing quotes.

5. What is the rating of Chandawat Goods Transport?

According to the working process and customers’ reviews, Chandawat Goods Transport is 4.5 stars rated out of 2 reviews.

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