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1.  Plan Southeast Direction for Kitchen Layout 2.  East is Best for Kitchen Entrance 3.  Choose Bright Colours for the Kitchen 4.  Choose Southeast Direction for Stove 5.  North-East is Great for Sink 6.  Windows are Magical to Let Out Negativity from the Kitchen 6.  Avoid North-East for Electric Appliance

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How Can You Remove Vastu Dosh from Your Kitchen?


1. Sea Salt

Place a cup of sea salt in the corner of your kitchen, or mop the floor with a pinch of sea salt. It is the most ancient remedy to remove vastu dosh from the kitchen. You can also use this for other places in your house.

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How Can You Remove Vastu Dosh from Your Kitchen?


2. Place Wind      Chimes

Although wind chimes are placed at the home’s entrance, you can also hand them at the entrance of your kitchen. Ensure the wind passes the natural air chime through any door or window.

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How Can You Remove Vastu Dosh from Your Kitchen?


3. Place a Small Temple in Kitchen

To avoid the Vastu dosh, you can place a small temple in your kitchen of Annpurna, the goddess of food and nutrition. But make sure to clean the temple regularly and do prayers for your well-being.

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