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100+ Vastu Tips for Home – The Ultimate Guide!!!

Vastu tips for home

“There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.” Isn’t it? A home is a place which always makes you feel nostalgic and imbibes a positive feeling of happiness and security.

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People always strive to imbue this place with lots of love and positive energies and what’s better than structuring a home as per the science of Vastu Shastra.

It is an ancient science of architecture promoting a healthy and positive home, right from the main entrance of the home to the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, Puja ghar, bathroom, and other places in the house. Implementation of Vastu tips in homes will increase the inflow of pious energies and mental peace to the family members.

Importance of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an architectural science that primarily focuses on different directions of a living space amalgamating the five elements of nature – earth, water, fire, air, and space – to create a compatible atmosphere for the occupants of a place infused with happiness, peace, prosperity, and good health. Originating from the Vedas, this science depends on different kinds of energies such as the solar energy from sun, lunar energy, cosmic energy, thermal energy, light energy, magnetic energy, and wind energy.

The term “Vastu” is derived from the God of vastu or Vaastu Purush who is the God for construction of buildings. Vastu Shastra lays out the mathematical concepts of designing in relation to the foundations of residential buildings, plots, and other architectural structures according to the different directions. Based on the several calculations, the ideal positions of different rooms in a home are determined to have a vastu-compliant house.

Benefits of Vastu for House

Vastu Shastra is an ancient amalgamation of art, science, astrology and astronomy, in relation to the designing and building of a house to ensure peaceful and positive energies flow in the property. The implementation of the vastu science in the directions and placement of the rooms and household items will provide multiple benefits to the occupants of a home and will balance the cosmic energies in the surrounding, ultimately bringing in peace and prosperity in their lives.

Vaastu Shastra can benefit the occupants of a home in majorly three ways which includes physically, psychologically, and spiritually –

Harmonizes energies in homes:

Vastu brings a sense of harmony among the powerful energies of nature such as sun, moon, light, wind, earth, thermal, magnetic, electric, and cosmic energies. This balance bestows growth and perpetual prosperity to the owner of a house.

Financial benefits:

The right implantation of vastu principles in homes will bring financial stability in the house and removes obstacles in the path of opportunities. People can experience financial dependency and a sense of monetary security in their lives.

Relaxes mind:

Vastu Shastra in homes promote mental well-being by bringing in positive energies and eliminating negative thoughts and stress from the minds of the occupants. This reduces stress and improves mind alertness and sound sleep.

Promotes success in life:

The blessings of Vastu Purush will remove all the hindrances in path of opportunities and success and promote growth of the occupants of the living space in their lives.

Removes tiffs in family members:

Following the vastu tips for home will stave off any Griha Kalesh between the family members. It makes the binds between all the members strong and neutralizes the negative energies causing the relationship to sour.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Home

The science of Vastu believes in designing and structuring every corner of your home right from the main door to the other rooms and places in it. So, here are some vastu tips for home to enhance positivity and spirituality in the residential buildings.

Vastu Tips for Main Door

vastu tips for main door

Being an entry point for the house, the main door holds immense importance in Vastu Shastra. According to the architectural science of Vaastu, this part of the house is significant as it is through the main door that positive energies like happiness and good fortune enters and leaves the house. The main door is the place of transition which disconnects us from the world outside. Deciding the main entrance of the house as per the guidelines of Vastu Shastra will improve the flow of happiness, wealth, and peace.

So, here are some vastu tips for house that will increase the flow of Chi energies in the house…

The Do’s
  • The main door of the home should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west directions.
  • The main door must be larger in size than any other door in the house.
  • The door of the main entrance must open in a clockwise direction.
  • The main door should always open inwards.
  • Keep oiling the main door to avoid any noises while opening or closing.
  • Main door should be above the ground with odd number of steps.
  • A wooden main door is ideal and auspicious for home.
  • The main doors which are in south directions must be made with wood and metal.
  • The main doors in the west direction must have some metal work on them.
  • The main door in the north direction must be in silver color.
  • The east facing main door must be made of wood and should have less metal accessories.
  • Always keep the entrances of the house clean to attract positive energies.
  • Keep the main entrance of the house properly lit up with bright lights.
  • Decorate the main entrance with lively green plants.
  • Put a name plate at the main door.
  • A metal name plate is ideal for main doors in the north or west direction.
  • A wooden name plate is good for main doors in the south or east direction.
  • Construct a threshold of marble or wood on the main door as it absorbs negativity and brings in only positivity.
  • Put a holy symbol of Swastika, Om, Cross, or any Nazar Battu.
  • The number of doors in the house must be even and never end with 0.
  • Broken main door must be replaced or repaired immediately as it signifies loss of respect.
The Don’ts
  • Never have the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.
  • Arched doors must be avoided in homes as they obstruct positive flow of energies.
  • Never have black-colored main doors.
  • Automatically closing doors must be avoided.
  • Never have three doors in a line, parallel to the home entrance door.
  • Never keep dustbins or broken furniture outside the main door.
  • Avoid keeping any mirrors in front of the main door as it reflects back positivity.
  • Avoid red color light outside the main entrance.
  • Never keep shoes in front of the main entrance.
  • Never have the main door facing directly to another people’s main entrances.
  • Avoid having main doors facing religious building like temples.
  • Main doors must never face intersecting roads.
  • Never have septic or underwater tanks below the main entrance.

Vastu Tips for Living Room

vastu tips for living room

Living room or area is the place from where all sorts of energies – positive and negative – gets diverted to other places in the house impacting the overall vastu of the home. Make this personal space appealing while complying with the guidelines of the vastu shastra to make your home a safe, happy, and prosperous place to be. the positive aura will attract good energies in your home from the main entrance and make the place cosy and warm for the guest and the family. Know here the amazing vastu tips for the living room which one must follow –

The Do’s
  • The North and East directions are ideal for living rooms.
  • The North-West facing living room is best for people who don’t want any late night parties and get-together in their homes
  • The South-West facing living room is ideal for people who live an active social life as it will make the guest feel at home.
  • The floor of the living room must slope towards North or East directions.
  • The ceiling of the living room must also slope towards North or East directions.
  • The door of the living room must be positioned in the East or North directions as it will attract good health, wealth, and prosperity.
  • The West facing entrance of the drawing room is suitable for the scholars and researchers.
  • The North-West entrance of living room indicates development in various spheres of life.
  • Furniture and heavy things must be kept in the West or South directions.
  • Television set must be kept South-East corner in the living room.
  • Always keep telephones in the East, South-East or North directions.
  • Air conditioners must be placed in the West, North-West or East directions.
  • Paintings or portraits of Gods and Goddesses must be kept in the North-East wall or corner.
  • Paint the walls of the living room in white, light yellow, blue or green colors.
  • The rectangular or square-shaped furniture is best for the living area.
  • The staircase must be provided in the South, West or South-West corner of the living area.
  • Put light-colored curtains on the North-East windows and doors of the living area. Heavy curtains are ideal to be put in South-West direction of the living area.
  • Keep North-East corner of living room clean as God’s presides there.
  • Chandelier must be kept in the South or West direction of the living area and not in the center.
  • Soothing lights must be placed in the living room.
  • A fish aquarium must be kept in the East, North or North-East directions of the living room.
  • Water fountain can be kept in the North direction.
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The Don’ts
  • The entrance of the living room in South direction is considered inauspicious.
  • Never keep the TV in the North-East corner as it will lead to wastage of time.
  • Never keep the telephone in the South-West or North-West directions.
  • Avoid keeping your coolers or air conditioners in the in South-East directions.
  • Never keep the paintings of crime, war, storms, etc. in your living room as they depict negative energies.
  • Avoid red and black colors for the walls of the living area.
  • Avoid circular or oval-shaped furniture in your living area.
  • Never keep dried flowers, artificial flowers, cactus, or bonsai plants in the living area as they signify inauspiciousness.
  • Never keep a fish aquarium in the South direction of living area as it will draw out all the positive energies.

Vastu Tips for Bedroom

vastu tips for bedroom

Bedroom needs to be most peaceful place where a person can relax and have a good time with the self. According to the Vastu Shastra, this architectural science lays out various guidelines which help in making this happy place a perfect one where we can find solace and peace after a long day at work. Structuring the bedroom as per the Vastu will bring a peace of mind to you and wards off any sort of negativities prevailing before. It will bring sound sleep, relaxes mind, and eliminates all kinds of stress and anxieties.

Have a look at these amazing vastu tips for bedroom and implement them in the architecture of your new home.

The Do’s

Master Bedroom

  • The North facing bedroom is ideal for young couples and keeping valuables such as jewellery, cash, etc.
  • The South-West facing bedroom brings prosperity and good health to the head of the family.
  • The bedroom of the head of the family must be larger in size than the other bedrooms.
  • The South-West corner of the top floor is the best for the master bedroom.
  • The legs of the sleeping head of the family must face North or East directions and head towards the South or West direction.
  • The master bedroom can only be occupied by married couples.
  • The main door of the master bedroom must be placed on the East, North or West walls.
  • The South-West corner of the master bedroom is ideal to keep wardrobes and almirahs.
  • Keep the South-West corner of the master bedroom always occupied.
  • The master bedroom should only be used by married couples.
  • Never keep your head towards any window while sleeping.

Sleeping Directions

  • Sleeping with legs in the east direction brings name and fame.
  • Sleeping with legs in the west direction provides peace to mind and increases spirituality.
  • Sleeping with legs in the north direction increases opulence and prosperity.
  • The East facing bedroom is ideal for unmarried children.
  • The West facing bedroom is ideal for students.
  • The North-West facing bedroom is the best for newly married couples.
  • Put a bagua outside a bedroom to protect it from negativity.
The West and North side is perfect for attached bathrooms or changing rooms.
The East or North walls are suitable for windows in the bedroom.
Never keep safe in the bedroom. The North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West corners and East and West directions must be avoided to keep the safe.
Dressing Table:
The ideal position to place dressing table is in the North or East wall.
Television & other electrical appliances:
Keep them in the South-East of the bedroom.
The Don’ts
  • Avoid bedroom in the north-east or south-east direction of the house.
  • Don’t have any bedrooms in the North-East corner of the house as it is a pious place.
  • Never sleep with legs facing the South direction as it will lead to bad thoughts and insomnia.
  • Never align the beds to any corners of the bedroom.
  • The bathroom of the bedroom must never face the bed and the door of the bathroom must be kept closed.
  • The door of the master bedroom should never be on the South facing wall.
  • Avoid having bedroom at the centre of the house.
  • Never keep plants and fish aquariums in the bedrooms.
  • Never keep the mirrors in front of the bed as no body part should be visible in it while sleeping. It may cause health issues in the body parts whose reflection is visible in the mirror.
  • Paint walls of the bedroom with colors like light pink, gray, blue, cream, green, etc.
  • Never put marble stones in the bedroom of newly wedded couples.

Vastu Tips for Kitchen

vastu tips for kitchen

Kitchen is one of the most significant parts of a house whose wellness and positivity cannot be compromised on any grounds. Vaastu Shastra has a several rules and regulations in relation to a kitchen which needs to be followed for a healthy home. A vastu non-compliant kitchen may lead to health and financial losses and disputes among the family members. “Better to prevent and prepare, rather than repent and repair”, so here are some useful Vastu tips for kitchen which will make this cooking space full of positivity and joy.

The Do’s
  • The kitchen must be in the East and South-East corner of the house.
  • Keep gas burner or stove in South-East corner of the kitchen away from the wall.
  • Put an “L” shaped counter next to the kitchen counter on the South wall to keep microwaves, ovens, mixers and grinders, etc.
  • The North-East or North direction is the best to keep ROs, and drinking water utensils.
  • The entry door of the kitchen must be in the North, East or West directions.
  • Southeast is the perfect position to keep gas cylinders.
  • Keep the empty cylinders in the south-western direction.
  • The right position for refrigerator is Southeast, North, South, or West.
  • The kitchen sink is ideal to be placed in the northeast or northwest corner direction.
  • The windows and exhaust fan in the kitchen should be placed in the east direction.
  • The flooring of the kitchen must be made with the mosaic, marble, or ceramic tiles.
  • The right colors for the kitchen as per vastu are rose, orange, yellow, chocolate, and red.
  • The boxes for grains, pulses, spices, etc. should be kept in the South or West direction.
  • The dining table is best placed in North-West or West side of kitchen.
  • The best cooking position is east for good health.
  • Offering something sacred to the fire before cooking the first thing in kitchen to ensure peace and prosperity.
  • It is mandatory to clean the kitchen properly at night every day.
  • The utensils for water storage must be kept in the Northeast part of the kitchen.
The Don’ts
  • Never have the kitchen directly under or above the Puja Room, bedroom, or toilets.
  • Avoid having kitchen doors in the corners.
  • Avoid keeping the gas burner in front of the main door of the kitchen.
  • Never construct the kitchen in the North-East direction as it may cause mental stress among members of the family.
  • The South-West direction of the kitchen causes clashes among family members.
  • A North-West facing kitchen increases the outflow of money.
  • Always avoid North direction for kitchen as increases expenditure beyond expectations.
  • Facing west while cooking in the kitchen as it will lead to health issues to the person who cooks.
  • Avoid black color on the walls or floor of the kitchen.
  • Never keep refrigerators in the North-East direction.
  • Keep refrigerators feet away from the corner of placed in the south-western direction.
  • Electrical equipments must never be kept in the northeast direction.

Vastu Tips for Puja Room

vastu tips for puja room

Puja room is the most auspicious and sacred place in a home. As this part of the home holds special place, immense care should be taken while constructing or designing Puja Ghars. The factor of auspiciousness must be kept in mind while placing each and every thing in the pious room of the house. So, here we have a list of vastu tips which needs to be followed in reference to the Puja Rooms.

The Do’s
  • The best positions for Pooja room are north-east, east, and west corners of home.
  • The place for Pooja must be kept on the ground floor.
  • The idols of Gods and Goddesses must be kept in the east or west direction of the prayer room.
  • The idols of Gods and Goddesses must be placed a few inches away from the wall.
  • A two shutter door of best quality wood is deal for prayer room.
  • The Pooja room can have doors and windows in the north or east walls.
  • The marble work of white or cream colored in Puja room denotes auspiciousness.
  • The lamp stand should be kept in the south-east or east direction in the Puja room.
  • Keep the roof of the Puja Room pyramid shaped as it stands for auspiciousness.
  • The most ideal place to keep the Agnikund is south-east corner.
  • The west or south walls are the best for showcases and almirahs.
  • Built a threshold on the entrance of the Puja room.
  • If prayer area lies in the kitchen, then the north-east corner of kitchen is the best.
  • One should pray to God while facing east.
  • Only copper vessels must be used to keep water in the prayer room.
  • The windows and door of the prayer room must face north or east direction.
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The Don’ts
  • The Puja room must never face south direction.
  • Never have the Puja place in the store room.
  • Avoid having pooja room in the basement or on the first or above floors.
  • Never have home temple in the bedroom.
  • Avoid having the Puja place next to the bathroom or washroom.
  • Never have the Puja place built under the staircase.
  • The idols of Gods must never face the south direction.
  • Remove broken statues of idols of the mandir.
  • Never keep the divine idols in front of the main door of the prayer room.
  • Women must avoid entering the Puja Gjar during menstruation.
  • Avoid keeping divine idols brought from the old temples in the Puja Ghar.
  • Never hand the pictures of birds or animals in the Puja ghar.
  • Avoid keeping the pictures of the deceased family members in the Puja Ghar.
  • The dustbins must be kept away from these pious places.
  • Never sleep in the Puja Ghar.
  • Never hide any money or precious things in the Pooja ghar.

Vastu Tips for Dining Room

vastu tips for dining room

Having delicious meals together on a dining table while sharing the activities of the whole day with each other is the best family time we can expect after a long and a hectic day. And, we are sure that you have no plans to spoil it anyway! But were you aware that this place where you enjoy home cooked meals with your family can too impact your life in a significant way. According to Vastu, making dining area Vastu-complaint will improve health of the members and brings them positivity and happiness. Have a look –

The Do’s
  • The West facing dining room is the best. North or East directions can also be considered.
  • Try to make the dining area as much comfortable and spacious.
  • The head of the family should always face east while having food.
  • The rest of the family members can face East, North or West.
  • The door of the dining room must be on the East, North or West walls.
  • Keep square or rectangular shaped dining tables.
  • The right position to keep dining table is in the South-West corner of the dining area.
  • Keep drinking water in the North-East direction of the dining area.
  • Keep the wash basin in the North or East directions.
  • The dining area and kitchen must be on the same floor.
  • The refrigerator in the dining area must be kept in the South-East corner.
  • For dining areas which are part of the living room, a curtain must be used to separate them.
  • The ideal colors of dining rooms are – pink, yellow, orange, cream or off-white.
  • The mirror can be placed in the East or North wall of the dining place.
  • People can keep posters of paintings of delicious food in the dining area.
The Don’ts
  • Never let the children sit in the South-West corner of dining table.
  • Avoid eating food facing the South direction as it can lead to fights among family members.
  • Avoid having circular or oval dining tables.
  • The dining table should never fold against a wall.
  • Never have attached toilets to the dining area.
  • The wash basin should never be located in the South-East or North-West positions.
  • The main entrance door and the door of the dining room must never face each other.
  • Avoid placing the dining table under the beam.

Vastu Tips for Study Room

vastu tips for study room

Children need proper atmosphere at home to study and do well in their exams. Considering this factor, if you have built or planning to build a study room for your kids in the house, then following a list of instructions will be beneficial for them. Constructing or restructuring the study place of children according to the rules and regulations of Vastu Shastra will provide amazing benefits to their mind enhancement.

The Do’s
  • The West, East or North-East directions of a home are the best for study room.
  • Windows are ideal to be placed on the East, North or West wall.
  • Student should face East or North direction while studying.
  • The doors of the study room must be located in the North-East, North, East or West direction.
  • The place of study must have sufficient amount of light.
  • A strong wall behind a student symbolizes support.
  • A bathroom in the study room is essential.
  • The book shelf must be in the East or North wall of studying area.
  • The square or rectangular study tables give best results.
  • The length:breadth of the rectangular study table must always be less or equal to 1:2.
  • Maintain some distance between the study table and the wall.
  • The study room should have the pictures of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati.
  • The study lamp should be kept in the South-East corner of study table.
  • The South-East corner of study place is an ideal place to keep computers.
  • Keep a pendulum clock on North wall of the study area.
  • Place a pyramid in the study room to balance the energies and increases memory power.
  • Keep the study table clutter free.
The Don’ts
  • Never sit below beam while studying.
  • Avoid doors in North-West, South-East, and South-West corners of the study room.
  • Students must never face a blank wall while reading or studying.
  • Never have toilets in the study room.
  • Keeping books in the South-West corner hampers study.
  • Keeping books in the North-West corner of the study rooms leads to their stealing.
  • Don’t place the book shelf above the study shelf.

Vastu Tips for Bathroom & Toilet

vastu tips for bathroom and toilet

Bathrooms and toilets are no different when it comes to complying with the guidelines and regulations of the vastu Shastra in homes. As both these places in the house is attached with cleansing of the human body, it forms an important part o Vastu procedures. A vastu non-compliant bathrooms and toilets can bring health and financial losses. So, adhering to the principles of Vastu will help people overcome these problems and will positively impact the overall vastu of your home.

Have a look at these tips of Vastu Shastra for bathrooms and toilets for a healthy you.

The Do’s


  • The ideal location of the bathroom in a house is East direction.
  • The water taps and showers must be fixed on the North wall.
  • The bathroom mirror must be located on the Northern wall of the bathroom.
  • The best location to attach geysers is South-east corner.
  • The bathtubs must be placed in the Western direction.
  • The washbasin should be located in the North-East direction.
  • Overhead tank is ideal to be place on the South West side.
  • The windows and ventilators should be placed on the north or east side of the bathroom.
  • A person should take bath facing the western direction.
  • Bright and calming colors must be painted on the bathroom walls.
  • The mirror of the bathroom can be placed on the East wall.
  • The almirah in the bathroom should always be on the South-west side.
  • Keep the washing machine in the southeast or northwest direction.
  • The bathroom slope must be towards east or north direction to let the water drain out to the northeast side.


  • The drainage pipes in the bathroom must be placed in the North east directions.
  • Water closet (commode) must be aligned to the North-South axis in the toilet.
  • The best location to construct the toilets on the west or the north-west side of the building.
  • The ideal position of the commode is West, South or North-West side of the West.
  • The toilet must be constructed 1-2 feet higher than the ground level.
  • The person should always face the east or west while using the loo.
  • The entrance door of the toilet should be on the North or East wall.
  • Have taps in the toilets attached in the East, North or North-East directions.
  • The color of the toilet walls should be light and soothing.
  • A small window in the toilet for ventilation should be located on the East, West or North wall.
The Don’ts
  • Avoid water closet in the toilet under or above Puja room, bedroom, or fireplace.
  • Toilets must never be constructed in the center, North-East or South-West corners of the house.
  • The septic tanks should not be located in the South side of toilet.
  • Never have an attached toilet in South-East or South-West corner.
  • Avoid storing water or have taps in the South-West or South-East directions.

Vastu Shastra Tips for North Facing Home

S. No. The Do’s The Don’ts
1. Keep the main door at the center for physical and financial benefits. Never have toilets in the North East corner.
2. The walls in the North and East must be slightly shorter and thinner than the ones in the South and West. Never have bedroom in the North East corner.
3. Face East in case of South East kitchen and West in case of North West kitchen when cooking. Never have septic tank in the North East corner.
4. The kitchen of the north facing home should be in the South East or North West side. Never have Kitchen in the North East corner.
5. The guest bedroom should be in the North West direction. Never have staircase in the North side of the house.
6. The master bedroom must be located in the South West direction. Never have huge trees in the North side of the house.
7. Living room is ideal in the North East direction. Avoid plots with slopes from North to South.
8. Puja Ghar must be in the North East corner. Avoid keeping dustbins or clutter in the North and North East.

Vastu Shastra Tips for South Facing Home

S. No. The Do’s The Don’ts
1. The main entrance of the home must be on the fourth pada. The water well or bore well must be located in the South-West corner.
2. Make the walls in South and West higher and thicker than the North and East. Avoid having a cut or extension in the South direction.
3. A plot must slopes from South to North. Avoid having a plot that slopes from North to South.
4. The kitchen should be in the South-East or North-West corner. Avoid car parking in the South direction.
5. Cooking must be done facing East or West. Never have kitchen in the South-West.
6. The master bedroom should be in the South-West corner.
7. Staircase should be placed in the South.
8. Puja room should be placed in the North-East direction.

Vastu Shastra Tips for East Facing Home

S. No. The Do’s The Don’ts
1. The main entrance of the home must be in the centre on the fifth pada. Never have toilets in the North East corner.
2. Make the walls in North and East slightly shorter and thinner than the South and West. Never have bedroom in the North East corner.
3. Face East in case of South East kitchen and West in case of North West kitchen when cooking. Never have septic tank in the North East corner.
4. The kitchen of the south facing home should be in the South East or North West side. Never have Kitchen in the North East corner.
5. The guest bedroom should be in the North West direction. Never have staircase in the North-East side of the house.
6. The master bedroom must be located in the South West direction. Never have huge trees in the North and East side of the house.
7. Living room is ideal in the North East direction. Avoid plots with slopes from North to South.
8. Puja Ghar must be in the North East corner. Avoid keeping dustbins or clutter in the North and North East.

Vastu Shastra Tips for West Facing Home

S. No. The Do’s The Don’ts
1. The main entrance of the home must be in the centre or to the right. Never locate a bore-well in South West direction of the home.
2. Make the walls in South and West higher and thicker than the North and East. Never purchase a plot or flat with extension in the South or South West corner.
3. Face East in case of South East kitchen and West in case of North West kitchen when cooking. Neglect having a plot higher on the Northern side than on the South.
4. The kitchen of the south facing home should be in the South East or North West side. Avoid having kitchen in the South West direction.
5. The guest bedroom should be in the North West direction.
6. The master bedroom must be located in the South West direction.
7. Living room is ideal in the North East direction.
8. Puja Ghar must be in the North East corner.

The Ending Note

If you wish to implement the Vastu principles in the architecture of your home, you can either reconstruct your home or can perform a Vastu Shanti Puja at home. Both the options will fulfil the purpose of having a home Vastu-complaint in every manner.

Sakshi Ecavade


  1. Pallavi Sharma

    Nicely explained blog. Thanks for such useful details on vastu tips for my home. Looking forward to more such useful content from you.

  2. Priya Gupta

    Very informative blog! I am surely going to consider this Information For my new home… Thanks a lot for giving all the information at one place…

  3. sukesh

    According to Vaastu Shastra east is the most beneficial direction. East symbolizes life as God Sunrises from this direction. Sun brings light and energy to this world and this is why east facing properties are considered best for any type of construction. … The main gate in the east and open space in the north is a good sign.

  4. Mondal

    Thank you author for such a nice post. keep it up.

    1. Sakshi

      Thank you!!

  5. Sunil Mehtani

    Useful information about Home Vastu nicely explained. Thanks

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