Last updated on October 12th, 2023 at 10:08 am

There’s something disturbing, when it comes to relocating your entire office space. But that can become a cakewalk, if you can build some kind of alliance that aims to diminish worries of the office staff and keeps them motivated throughout.

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In addition to that, a great amount of planning is needed so as to avoid any kind of haphazard during your move. And, if you can take the help of a professional, the whole task can be done in blink of eyes and that too with utmost ease.

Here is the Checklist that you must consider ticking off before starting with the task of office relocation:

1. Planning is the Key
2. Be ready with a proper Schedule
3. Form a Committee assigning different task to each member
4. Update Employees about the details of Relocation
5. Keep the Employees Engaged
6. Prepare plans to keep your external and internal tasks functional during the move
7. Hire a Professional Packers and Movers Company
8. Make office plan and layouts afresh before the move
9. Take advantage of the opportunity to make positive changes in the working style
10. Prepare a handbook depicting the details of relocation and distribute it among the employees

It is essential that all the above points are checked properly before starting off with the move. Indubitably, office relocations involves a lot many of hardships that need to be handled carefully and elaborately. Let’s elaborately look at these points so as to make your office relocation an easier task.

1. Planning is the Key

Be it anything, planning should be put on the top of the priority list! And, when it’s about relocating your whole office, a great amount of pre-planning is needed. The planning should start six months before, if yours is a large or a medium sized office and if you own a small office, then you must not forget to initiate the planning before three months.

Planning is the Key

2. Be ready with a proper Schedule

Deciding about the time, when to take up the relocation, how much time the process is going to take up and how you should manage to complete the tasks floated in advance, is very important. Study everything carefully and then decide a feasible date on which all the office stuffs can be set out for relocation.

Be ready with a proper Schedule

3. Form a Committee assigning different task to each member

There are a lot of advantages of keeping the employees and the other members involved in the process of relocation. The most resourceful idea would be to form a “Relocation Committee” that would let you divide the task among the employees and keep them involved. This way, it can be done in more organized way and also will make the staff feel a part of the company.

Form a Committee assigning different task to each member

4. Update Employees about the details of Relocation

The best idea would be here to display the moving details on the bulletin board on the common space. That way, staff members would be able to keep track of the progress in the direction of relocation. Ostensibly, moving the office could be very difficult for the employees to handle. So, they must be updated on how the new space is going to be organized and what changes they may have to face afterwards.

Employees details of Relocation

5. Keep the Employees Engaged

Its’ really a significant thing to consider!! Employees are a significant part of the organization and it’s really important to keep them informed about the whole story related to the move. Let them feel a part of the team by involving them in the process of relating your office. You may also assign different tasks to each of them.

Keep the Employees Engaged

6. Prepare plans to keep your external and internal tasks functional during the move

Be sure that none of your internal and the external tasks is at risk!! For this, it is best to prepare internal and external plans to keep updated the related tasks. Internals plans will keep the employees updated on the relocation, whereas the external communication plan will inform the clients and the suppliers on various business activities.

external and internal tasks functional during the move

7. Hire a Professional Packers and Movers Company

It is vital to hire a professional and experienced company for completing with the task of relocating your office. It’s not the cup of tea of normal people to plan, organize and inspect the whole tedious task of office relocation. And, at this stage, this online directory, will help! You can hire a reliable corporate relocation company and simplify the task!

Hire a Professional Packers and Movers Company

8. Make a detailed office plan and layouts afresh before the move

You can rule out any chances of feeling stranded, when you reach at the other end! Just make sure that, you have a detailed layout of how your office is going to look, where each employee will be sitting and where each piece of the furniture is going to be fitted. The “Relocation committee” that you have already formed at this stage, is definitely going to help here.

Make a detailed office plan

9. Take advantage of the opportunity to make positive changes in the working style

You may have been postponing a lot of things from quite a long time and so, relocation can be observed as an opportunity to complete all those tasks. Look out for the things that need improvement in the old office. You can appoint an employee head to get the feedback from all other employees on the same. This can be the best opportunity for improving things!!

Take advantage of the opportunity to make positive

10. Prepare a handbook depicting the details of relocation

It’s quite important to prepare detailed documents with all the subtle information on your office relocation. There are important people like clients, suppliers and employees, associated with the office, who need to have the knowledge of the details. Instead of wasting time on informing them individually, you can draft a “Relocation handbook”, and distribute it to everyone.

handbook depicting the details of relocation

Keeping this checklist in front of your eyes, while you are doing the relocations assessments and plans, the tiresome task of your office relocation will unquestionably become a fun task for whole of the office staff.

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And, if you could get a chance to hire a professional moving company then definitely the stress is going to be reduced to level “Zero”. For that, is the best directory to look for licensed packers and movers in Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai or any other major cities of India, where most of the businesses have their corporate offices.

Anishka Luthra